Store Rules
1. Rules for working with the store
1 Store guarantees:
1.2 Performance of the account at the time of purchase, subject to compliance with all rules for working with accounts;
1.3 Sale exclusively in one hand;
1.4 Replacement of non-working accounts if the accounts have become non-working due to the fault of the store or its suppliers.
(the account has been deleted; there is an error in the account credentials; an error was made in the product description, the account was banned before logging in);
1.5 Response to customer support requests no later than 24 hours after the request;
1.6 Disclaimer of any guarantees in the event that paragraph 3 of the rules and its sub-paragraphs have been violated;
1.7 Disclaimer of any guarantees in case the buyer performed actions after logging into the account;
1.8 Disclaimer of any guarantees and replacements in case the buyer used obscene language or insulted the administration.
2. Requirements for the purchase of accounts:
2.1 The buyer should familiarize himself with the rules of the service. Ignorance or unwillingness to do this is not the reason for the replacement/refund;
2.2 When paying for the goods, the buyer confirms that he is familiar with the rules of the service;
2.3 The buyer should familiarize himself with the description of the goods;
2.4 The Buyer must purchase as many accounts as he can use at a given time;
2.5 The buyer must purchase only those types of goods that meet his needs. Accounts purchased by mistake are not refunded and are not exchanged for others;
2.6 The buyer must change the passwords to the accounts after the purchase. After the purchase, the buyer is responsible for the credentials of his accounts himself.
3. Account Usage Requirements:
3.1 Be sure to use proven private proxies;
3.2 It is forbidden to use a dynamic IP address to work with accounts (dynamic ip is not a proxy, because other clients of your provider could use it before you);
3.3 It is forbidden to use any VPN services to work with accounts;
3.4 It is forbidden to use public proxies, shared proxies (they are also shared), ipv6 proxies for working/checking accounts;
3.5 It is forbidden to use private proxies as shared for work (If you log in to 2 or more accounts from one private proxy, then it automatically ceases to be private. See clause 3.4);
3.6 It is forbidden to work with more than one account without changing the fingerprint of the device (User-agent, viewport size, set of plugins, browser cache, cookies) or the device itself;
3.7 It is forbidden to work with accounts using virtual machines, simulators, emulators, vps and vds servers;
3.8 It is forbidden to use the IP address of your own physical machine (also known as a local or home address) to work with accounts.
4. Other rules:
4.1 It is forbidden to spam support with the same questions in the hope of solving them faster.
(See clause 1.4.);
4.2 It is allowed to remind 1 time in the daytime by GMT+5 to remind yourself by sending a "ping" message to the support chat;
4.3 It is forbidden to be nervous, rush support workers, use obscene language.
(The first time you will be given a warning. The second time - refusal of support and withdrawal of all guarantees);
4.4 By making a purchase, the customer gives his consent to the newsletter on behalf of the store.
5. The store does not guarantee/does not deal with:
5.1 Protection of purchased accounts from theft, hacking, selection of flogging, etc.
(After the delivery of the goods, the customer is responsible for the safety of the product's credentials);
5.2 Storage of paid goods
(The issue occurs immediately after payment. Keep the purchased goods in a safe place);
5.3 Communication with persons who are not customers of the store. Answers to any questions about the assortment are in the information section of the store and in the description of the goods;
5.4 Training in working with accounts, proxies, software.